One thing that I heard from families was that they want to conveniently pick up strings, books, and other materials directly at our location. I know it can be frustrating to be asked to purchase these materials on your own, so I worked out a deal with Johnson String Instrument to provide us with the materials I (as the music teacher) recommend at our Malden, MAP location.
Now, with our first shipment in, you can purchase:
- Guitar strings (1/2, 3/4, and full-size)
- Guitar Books for Levels 3, 4, and 5 (Goodwin and Parkening)
- Footstools
We offer everything at competitive prices that are lower than their suggested retail rate. We do this, because our main aim in providing the books is the added convenience for our families.
Also, just a reminder that we are still selling snacks and Chie’s greeting cards and small jewelry. Enjoy!